Hazardous ChemicalsHazardous Chemicals Management

Hazardous chemicals are used in many industries, and workers safe handling and disposal are of utmost importance. From manufacturing plants to research and education facilities, ensuring that hazardous chemicals are managed properly is crucial to avoid accidents, environmental damage, and health hazards. Unfortunately, managing hazardous chemicals can be challenging, especially for those who are not familiar with the relevant regulations and best practices.

That’s where safety consultants can assist businesses. In this article, we will explore how safety consultants make hazardous chemicals management easy for businesses of all sizes. The management of hazardous chemicals involves identifying, assessing, controlling, and monitoring hazardous chemicals that are present in the workplace. It is important for businesses to have effective hazardous chemicals management to protect workers, customers, and the environment from the potential risks associated with hazardous chemicals.

There are specific WHS legislative requirements that must be met and implementing a Hazardous Chemical management program can be a cumbersome process. A qualified safety consultant can assist with compliance to WHS legislation relating to hazardous chemicals by providing advice on the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous chemicals. This will assist in streamlining the process getting the business to a level of compliance quicker than through internal resources.

What are Hazardous Chemicals?

Hazardous chemicals are substances that pose a significant risk to human health, the environment, or both. These chemicals can cause harm when they are inhaled, ingested, or come into contact with the skin. Some examples of hazardous chemicals include:

  • Acids
  • Bases
  • Pesticides
  • Solvents
  • Heavy metals

The first step in effective hazardous chemicals management is to identify the hazardous chemicals that are present in the workplace. These are chemicals that are determined using the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. This is an internationally agreed system monitored through the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. The information is used by the manufacturers to create a Safety Data Sheet. The organisation is to obtain the vendors Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each of the products and read the specific information listing the chemicals. The SDS must be read understanding that the information pertaining to the specific chemicals in the product relate to the pure chemical and not the mixtures in the product.

Getting the SDS is just one part of the Hazardous Chemical Management project and should be backed with documented systems to ensure that each step is completed to ensure conformance to WHS legislative requirements. When considering the development of safety policies and procedures a qualified safety consultant can provide guidance ensuring all the elements of the WHS legislation has been considered.

In some cases, it may be necessary to seek external professional assistance to assist or undertake this process. Calling on a qualified Safety Consultant to assist this process will eliminate some of the pitfalls setting up the register and having to revisit it and re-enter information of missed information. It is important to determine which chemicals are present and the quantity of each chemical being stored. This information should be documented and shared with employees who work with the hazardous chemicals.

The next step is to assess the potential risks associated with the hazardous chemicals present in the workplace. This includes evaluating the potential for human health and environmental impacts, as well as any potential risks to the safety of workers. A qualified safety consultant can guide your organisation through this risk assessment process and prompt workers for input ensuring a valid consultation process.

The risk assessment process is used to determine the controls that should be in place to reduce the risk to a level that is reasonably practicable and will assist in,

  • identifying workers at risk of exposure
  • sources and processes that are or will causing that risk
  • identifying if a control is merited and how it should be implemented
  • review the effectiveness of existing control measures to ensure that they are providing the desired level of protection.

Types of risk assessments for Hazardous Chemicals management

The process of identifying any potential risks associated with the use of hazardous chemicals can be greatly reduced when a qualified safety consultant is available to provide advice on how to mitigate those risks.

  1. The basic assessment requires a review of the labels and the SDS of the hazardous chemicals and assessing the risks involved in their use. Then determining whether the hazardous chemicals in the workplace are already controlled with existing control measures, as recommended in the SDS or whether further control measures are needed.
  2. The generic assessment, an assessment made of a particular workplace, area, job or task then being applied to similar work activities that involve the use of the chemical being assessed in the same manner.
  3. A detailed assessment is required when there is a chemical with a significant risk to health or for very high-risk chemicals such as carcinogens, mutagens, reproductive toxicants or sensitisation agents.

In each instance the information on the label and SDS will assist this process allow you to decide on how to,

  • eliminate the uncertainty of any risks.
  • select appropriate control measures.
  • ensure that control measures are properly used and maintained.
  • determine if air monitoring or health monitoring are required.

Once the potential risks have been identified, appropriate control measures should be taken to reduce or eliminate the risks. These control measures can include engineering controls, such as ventilation systems or enclosures, administrative controls, such as safe work practices or training, and personal protective equipment. The control measures should be designed and implemented to reduce or eliminate the potential risks associated with the hazardous chemicals.

Once the control measures have been implemented, the hazardous chemicals management program should include regular monitoring and review. This includes regular inspections of the control measures and assessments of their effectiveness. If any deficiencies are identified, corrective action should be taken to address the issue.

Finally, an emergency response plan should be developed in case of an accidental release of hazardous chemicals. The plan should include procedures for responding to an emergency, as well as contact information for emergency responders. All of these steps are outlined in the Model Legislation and Code of Practice maintained by Safework Australia. This entire system also includes training for each part to ensure that workers are aware of the systems and procedures in place. Additional training should also be given (on a risk-based approach) for chemicals used by the workers. The training provided by a qualified safety consultant on the elements of the hazardous chemicals system will ensure that all safety protocols are being followed.

Hazardous chemicals management is an important part of any safety and health program and a qualified safety consultant can assist with this. It is critical for organisations to identify and assess the hazardous chemicals present in the workplace, take appropriate control measures to reduce or eliminate the risks associated with those chemicals, and have a plan in place to respond to an emergency. By taking the necessary steps to effectively manage hazardous chemicals, organisations can ensure the safety and health of their workers, customers, and the environment.

Safety consultants can play a critical role in ensuring that hazardous chemicals are managed properly and safely at your business. With their expertise and experience, they make hazardous chemicals management easy for businesses of all sizes, providing valuable peace of mind and protecting the health of employees, the environment, and the wider community. If you are responsible for managing hazardous chemicals, consider working with a us to ensure that your programs are effective, efficient, and in compliance with all relevant regulations.

If you are interested in our WHS Consultancy services, you can contact David, Andrew or Mark to discuss your Health and Safety Issues.

We have more information relating to Hazardous Chemicals Management and Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals for you to peruse if required.

We have qualified and certified Safety Consultants that can assist you in your business and offer a range of WHS consulting services along with general and specific health and safety training courses.

Contact us today for an obligation free quote on any of our services.