Industrial Manslaughter Laws across Australia

Industrial Manslaughter Laws across Australia Though not widely publicised many workers lose their lives in workplace incidents in Australia. Some of these incidents made the headlines for the wrong reasons and the community outrage at these deaths and prompted...

What is Consultation Cooperation and Coordination?

Why do businesses need to have processes that include consultation cooperation and coordination? The WHS Legislation across Australia has a requirement for the Person Conducting the Business or Undertaking (PCBU) to require that Consultation Cooperation and...

DRA approach to Amusement Rides within Australia Pt1

The DRA approach to Amusement Rides within Australia, Part 1 Introduction Although Australia is not a major manufacturer of amusement rides or devices, there are strict legislative requirements in each state and territory regarding the manufacture, operation, and...

What is a Work Health and Safety Advisor (WHSA)?

Work Health and Safety Advisor (WHSA) The concept of the Work Health and Safety Advisor was not part of the original legislative requirement across Australia. Queensland introduced this requirement and also introduced a training course to support this new role. The...